Faculty Data
Faculty Directory Listings
StanfordWho contains directory information for and about current Stanford faculty and staff. Stanford community members may choose to keep some or all of their contact information private in the public and Stanford-only versions of the directory.

Faculty may change their own information using Axess on the web or by using StanfordYou for service-related information (e.g., email settings). See StanfordYou for details. Faculty and staff may also change their own personal demographic information in StanfordYou. Changes relating to endowed chairs are made by the Faculty Affairs Office: requests for such changes may be submitted to Lynn Dixon.
Lists for University Purposes
The University maintains lists of the names, addresses, telephone numbers and electronic mail accounts of faculty members. Distribution lists not publicly available may be used only for University purposes. Use of the distribution lists — including production of listings of file contents, production of mailing labels, and online use of electronic mail distribution lists — is authorized only when all of the criteria below are met:
- The organization is responsible to the President of the University;
- The use is for official University business; and
- When such use is consistent with the University responsibilities of the individual requesting or using the list.
University distribution lists may not, for example:
- Be used for personal, partisan political or commercial purposes;
- Be provided to persons or entities outside the University;
- Be used for promotional purposes or solicitations by other than Stanford University.
Requests for lists may be submitted to Lynn Dixon in the Faculty Affairs Office.
Access by Summons or Subpoena
Process servers with a summons or subpoena for documents contained in an individual employee's personnel file should be directed to the Payroll Office for main-campus employees, or to Employee Relations at SLAC (employeerelations@slac.stanford.edu). The Faculty Affairs Office is not authorized to accept service of any summons or subpoena.
Outside Employment Verification Requests
(Former and Current Employees)
Stanford does not respond directly to any employment verification requests. Stanford contracts with a third-party service supplier. Employees should follow the employment verification instructions. Requests for information on SLAC employees should be referred to the SLAC Human Resources Department (records@slac.stanford.edu).
More information
Further details on the policies relating to faculty data may be found in Administrative Guide Memo 28.3, Directories and Distribution lists.